How to Write a PRD/Spec - Pre-recorded Course

"As a cornerstone of product management, mastering the PRD is essential, and if you've spent any time in this field, you're likely familiar with the challenges and nuances of crafting a perfect spec.
In this pre-recorded course I'll guide you through the ins and outs of PRD mastery. This isn't just any course; it's an effective course, which is adjusted to the chaotic reality of product managers. I will teach you what you need to know, without any energy spent on nonsense that you'll never use."
- Nati Berkover

Unlock these Key Benefits:

Mastering the 'why'

Understand whether your feature worth building and where is the impact by processing all data and input signals

Agile Approach

Learn how to break down the feature to small building blocks (user stories) that will support your agile processes

User Stories

Learn how to write meaningful and yet compact user stories that delivers incremental value

Setting KPIs

Learn how to set KPIs for your feature, how to define success and how to measure your impact

Functional Requirements

Learn how to write the detailed requirements for your feature while maintaining the right granularity

Being Data driven

Learn how to take an analytical approach and ensure that the data you need is always logged and persisted

Pre-recorded Course

Learn at your own pace and in your spare time. The course is divided to short lessons so it's very easy to digest.

All Materials That You Need to Make You Successful

As part of the course materials you will get access to my well proven PRD template, that you are free to adopt at your workplace.
Aside from that, for each assignment you will get access to my own solution to the same assignment so you can always compare and evaluate your work.

Laser Focused; 100% Practical

I don't just call my business 'Effective Product Management' in vain. All my training materials embrace a very pragmatic approach.
Part of it is also telling you which sections of various templates you can find out there you can safely ignore, how to work with UX/UI designers, how to avoid the main pitfalls and more.

About Your instructor

Nati Berkover
Nati Berkover

I've graduated as a software engineer and spent many years writing code and managing teams. Hence, my background is technical.
I then co-founded and sold a startup, and since then I've doing product management. In my last role I was the VP of products and also managed the data science team in my business unit.
I've acquired tons of experience in B2C, B2B and B2B2C and aside from my official role, I've been mentoring and training dozens of product managers from various companies.
I discovered that I'm very passionate about training PMs and helping them become great at what they do and hence I decided to make it my full time job. I'd be honored to make you great at your job as well!

Hear from Our Successful Students:

"Nati demonstrated a deep understanding of PRD intricacies, guiding us through real-world scenarios. The course materials were comprehensive, with numerous examples adding a practical dimension to theoretical concepts. This course was exceptionally engaging, and I believe it serves as a significant time-saving resource in the life of a Product Manager. I highly recommend this course to any product manager looking to refine their PRD writing skills and elevate their contributions to their teams and organizations."
Audrey Crespin
Audrey Crespin
Product Manager
"This course, led by Nati, has transformed my approach to writing PRDs; his expertise and unique framework cut through the clutter, enabling me to craft concise, impactful documents that truly drive product success."
Gil Eckstein
Gil Eckstein
Senior Product Manager
"At the beginning I wasn't sure if I will able to improve the SPEC composing proficiency, as they are many many guides out there and AI off course. During the 5 sessions I was able to spruce up the SPEC. prior to the excellent course, I was writing fairly basic - mediocre Specs. What I have really thought that made the impact so great, was the comments and personal touch of Nati after handing task assigned by him, which later on, provided a constant feedback about what I was missing, and also how to improve it (which was really surprising as his feedback was dead on!). In addition, there was special attitude of actual and practical approach of Nati during the course that didnt let me derail from the objectives and main target, while the course was fun and insightful. If you want to learn how to write a Spec like a pro and enjoy while doing it, I really recommend you take this course."
Iftach Raftar
Product Manager
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