About this Site
“I want to make bigger impacts, and in less time” – is what I hear very often from product managers I mentor. And that’s what I’m teaching them. The web is full of theoretical advice and methodologies you should follow, but it truly lacks pragmatic and effective advice on the real life of product managers.
Pragmatic & effective advice is what you’ll find here. Whether you are new to product management, a veteran, or even a product leader – this site has got you covered.
A lot of wisdom and practical advice is packed in an easily navigated manner on the ‘Knowledge base‘ page. From ‘how to write an awesome PRD’ to ‘how to reach product-market fit’ and advanced strategy stuff – you’ve got it all there.
All free of charge!
However, if you are looking for more structured training – then I suggest you visit the ‘Courses‘ section where you can find my courses and webinars. I’m constantly working on adding new training courses, so make sure you revisit this section from time to time.
Last – if you are a product leader or executive in your company and looking for a direct engagement with me, either for yourself or your team, the services I offer can be found on the ‘Services’ page here. Ping me if you want to get in touch.
A Little about Me

Have you ever been passionate about something for so long until you decided it’s time to do something about it?
Well… this is where I am now.
I’ve been passionate about training, guiding, and mentoring people all my life. I spent a significant portion of my time training engineers when I was an engineer, and I’ve been doing the same with product people since I switched to product.
I always did it in parallel with my official roles, and I’ve reached the phase where I want to make it my full-time job, as I really enjoy doing this and am damn good at it as well!
If your company suffers from constant chaos, inconsistent roadmaps, or products & features that don’t deliver on their full potential – I can help you as well! I can work directly with you and/or your team. I can train and teach the whole product stack – from hands-on product management to product strategy and other product leadership stuff.
I take a unique & effective approach when doing so, and you could say it’s a bit non-traditional. My teaching and mentoring styles are impact-driven with a ‘no BS’ approach, and it’s based on my proprietary CAF product framework that I developed.
If you are interested in learning more about my career, here is a summary:
By profession, I’m a software engineer, and I spent many years writing code and managing teams. At some point, I founded and sold a startup (Newsfusion – digital media; News aggregation) and since then, I’ve focused my career on product management and product leadership.
I’ve mastered the hands-on aspects of the job as well as the product leadership aspects. In my last role, I managed both the product and the engineering teams in my business unit (including the data science team) and took a deep dive into GenAI and the world of big data.
In the last few years, aside from my official job, I’ve been mentoring dozens of product managers from various companies on platforms such as the Product League and GrowthSpace.
You can easily find me on all my social channels using this link:
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If you want to know more about me as a person – then I can tell you that I am a proud Israeli, I am married and father to two (boy and a girl). Other passions of mine include hiking, keeping in shape and online strategy & competitive gaming.