PM Crash Course

PM Crash course

Did you recently promote someone in your organization to become a product manager?


Most likely, though, you don’t have the time to explain to them what it means to be a product manager.

Don’t feel bad about this. It’s a common situation for organizations to grow product managers from within but have no one to train them, forcing them to learn the job on the go (and make plenty of mistakes, I must say).

I am here to solve this problem for you. I’ve developed this crash course exactly for this use case.

Within 15 hours (25 hours including homework), I will teach your junior product managers what the job is about and all the essential skills they need to get going.

Keep scrolling if you’d like to learn more.

Here is what the crash course covers:

  • The product delivery process

    The effective way to take a feature from ideation to production

  • Writing PRDs

    The art of writing specs that will be clear, to the point and cover what's needed for building great features

  • Voice of the customer

    How to properly collect feedback from the market via customers interviews and quantitative surveys

  • On being agile

    Executing Scrum in an effective manner, including the various ceremonies, with special emphasis on sprint planning

  • PM soft skills essentials

    Honing the time management and communication skills of the product managers

  • Getting the priorities straight

    Understanding where is the impact and how to manage day-2-day and long term priorities

Course logistics

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