Nati Berkover


I provide various services to executives, product leaders and product managers, and I’d love to assist you too.

Let me start by helping you find the exact service that you need. Follow the route that best suits you from the following options:

For product managers (individual contributers)

  • Knowledge base

    Click here if you're interested in acquiring knowledge by reading relevant posts from the knowledge base (free)

  • Courses & webinars

    Click here if you wish to learn about the courses & webinars that I offer (some free, some paid)

  • Mentoring

    Click here if you seek personal mentoring, offered as a pro bono

For executives, entrepreneurs and product leaders

  • PM Training

    Click here if you recently promoted several people within your organization to product manager roles and need someone to teach them the profession

  • Strategic consulting

    Click here if you're looking for product, AI and Big data strategic consulting

  • Mentoring

    Click here if you're looking for tailored mentoring sessions for individuals in your product team

  • Product Guild Management

    Click here if you wish to form a product guild in your organization and you're looking for someone to manage it

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